

robber barons

  1. A term applied to certain leading American businessmen of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, including Cornelius Vanderbilt and John D. Rockefeller . The term suggests that they acquired their wealth by means more often foul than fair.

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Example Sentences

The Robber Nerds, like the Robber Barons, have given tons of money to charity.

In an astoundingly brief time, the Party of Lincoln became the Party of Robber Barons.

He'll have the Robber Barons squirmin' on the griddle pretty quick, an' wheat'll go straight to a dollar a bushel, sure!

And let me tell you that of all the Robber Barons of music, Wagner was the worst.

I might paraphrase the slogan of the Robber Barons of the middle ages.



